21 dic 2014

こんにちはみんなさん! ぉ菓子世界の中で (O-kashi sekai no naka de) is here available to download! FULL ALBUM!

Hello everyone!
Bananeis is here :)
And today we release our first full album!

[O-kashi sekai no naka de (Inside of a world of candies)]


01. Ichigo Ichi-Go!
02. Bunnyaame
03. Chokoparetto
04. Il cirque de Satan
05. Yomi no yami
06. Neko feeling
07. Wataame♪ ~tsubuyaku vers.~
08. Anacoreétes
09. DaisuKi
10. Marionette no kage

We hope you like it ^^
This is the end of us. We are sorry for our followers.
After to this full album, We're disbanding.

Please, support us untill the very end!
Thank you~
Hazuki ☾
With a new project titled "ange bunny".